Voices of Integrity

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Voices Of Integrity 
Podcast for Marriages

1- Podcast for Marriages - Open Session

What Do We Need To Hear?

What questions do you have about marriages ... about your spouse, above children / family ... but are afraid to ask and/or maybe you have a hard time coming up with the right words? You'll enjoy podcasts in this areas where others seem to know what questions you would love to ask.

2- Podcast for Marriages - Hurt & Healing

What Do We Need To Hear?

" In a marriage, what do you do when ... "The thing ... isn't the thing ... how do you find out what the thing is? " 

3- Podcast for Marriages - What Is An Ideal Husband

What Do We Need To Hear?

Who thinks about what it would take to be an ideal husband, women or men? If you said women you may be right ... but ... think about it. Who should be thinking about it?

1-1: About The Group / Podcast

" What Is This Group / Podcast About? How Can We Join The Podcast? 
Which Type Of People Will Gain The Most Value From This Podcast?"

What Is This Group / Podcast About?

This podcast dives into the world of marriages, offering insights on navigating challenges and improving your married life. It shares practical tips on dealing with spouses and handling tough situations, aiming to make relationships stronger. Join in to discover ways to enhance communication, understanding, and overall happiness in your married journey.

How Can We Join The LIVE Podcast? 

To join the podcast, simply click the provided Zoom link every Friday at 12:30 PM Eastern Time. The discussion centers around improving marriages and handling challenges.   Go to www.RavingFan.net to join live Zoom.

Do You Have A Question / Problem?

Have You Benefited From These Podcasts?

People We Are Looking For?

This podcast is for married couples who want to make their relationships better ... well ... more than better, we want to learn how to have the marriage of our dreams. 

If you're having issues or just want a happier marriage, this is the right place. We talk about simple tips and ideas to improve how you get along with your spouse. Join us for friendly discussions and practical advice on making your married life more joyful. Whether it's problems with talking or just wanting more happiness, we're here to help. Tune in and let's work together to make your marriage stronger and happier.
This is a fun couples survey that only takes a few minutes to do and will help couples to see things which can instantly change a marriage.

4- Podcast for Marriages -  Resolving Conflict 

What Do We Need To Hear?

Why does resolving conflicts in marriages often take a long time due to diverse perspectives? Why do communication challenges make it difficult to resolve conflicts in marriages quickly?

5- Podcast for Marriages - Stupid Spouse

What Do We Need To Hear?

Why is mutual respect crucial in a relationship, and how can open communication help when you perceive your partner as unintelligent?

6- Podcast for Marriages - What makes an ideal wife?

What Do We Need To Hear?

Hmmm ... is this podcast for men or women? It's actually for both. Men, make sure you have as high or higher a desire to be an ideal husband as you have for your wife to be the ideal wife. Make this a life-long journey.

Marriage Surveys

Unlocking the secrets of everlasting love: one survey at a time.

Couples Survey

Dive into the intricate dance of love with our couple's survey, where shared dreams meet the reality of partnership. Uncover the nuances that strengthen the bond, as we navigate the unique journey of togetherness through thoughtful questions and shared reflections. Your insights shape a tapestry of understanding, weaving the fabric of enduring connection.

Servicing - Marriages Survey

Marriages Survey

Being in Flow - How Numbers Can Be the Secret

 " Do you know anyone whose marriage is failing, and perhaps they aren't even aware of it, or maybe they simply refuse to accept it? Have you ever tried something that didn't work? Did you give up after the first try, or the second, or did you keep trying? "

Give Up


Jason and Melissa's marriage has been challenging at times, but they both refused to give up. Melissa was convinced that a simple and easy weekly exercise wouldn't work, and she felt stuck. Her husband didn't believe it would work either, but he still urged them to give it a try.

"Melissa, if you're not willing to do this, then what else aren't you willing to do in our marriage? Your reluctance to try this makes me wonder how much effort you're willing to put into our relationship." 
That's courage! 
Audio Podcast
Why is this simple and easy exercise so powerful? There are many reasons, but the biggest one is that it helps couples communicate and understand each other's desires.

Another reason it's so effective is that you can customize it to your specific needs, and it's quick, easy, and requires very little time. We hope that this simple tool will benefit you and your spouse as much as it has helped Jason and Melissa.
Video Podcast

1-2: I Need Encouragement

"Learning how to be encouraged."


I feel discouraged!

Are you a married person ... or someone who cares about a married person?  This podcast will help any married person who is feeling stressed and pressured and know they need help.

What are the challenges married people are having and what is the solution to those challenges / problems?  ~ click here ~ to share. 

How can we be an encouragement to ourselves and other married people?
Audio Podcast
Do you know a married person who has been there and can be an encouragement to others who are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

~ The Amiable Personality ~ 
Conflict With Others

Imagine ... having the marriage of your dreams!  Imagine learning how to have greater harmony, love and passion in your marriage?  Do you know a married person who is caring, loving and their spouses / others are taking advantage of him or her?  
Video Podcast

1-3: How Do I Solve My Problems?

"Do I really want to solve my marriage problems?  Are we sure?"


I feel lonely!

Do you know a married person who is very knowledgeable, has wisdom, has a heart to help others and is willing to give 30 minutes of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.  

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer and/or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast

~ The Analytic Personality ~ 
Pain: Out of Order

Imagine ... having your dream marriage.  What would you love your marriage to be like?   Write down the dream marriage you would love to have.   Would it include having consistency, order and not so much craziness?  
Video Podcast

1-4: How Do I Get People To Listen To Me?

"What if ... I have to talk less to get people to listen to me more?


I feel lost.

Do you know a married couple who may have some interest in helping others in their marriages and is willing to give 30 minutes of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer and/or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast

The Expressive Personality  
Pain: Boring / Not Fun

Imagine ... having a passionate marriage that you always dreamed of.  What would it take to have that type of marriage?  What would you need to do to do that and what would your spouse need to do?
Video Podcast

1-5: How Do I Drive People Forward?

How Do I Drive My Love Forward?


I feel misunderstood

Do you know a married couple who is powerful, passionate, has guts, are creative thinkers, a heart to help others and are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast

~ The Driver Personality ~ 
Pain:  Out Of Control

Imagine ... having the craziest powerful marriage.  A marriage which will help you fully leverage all the drive and passion to help you and others around you be all you can be.  
Video Podcast

1-6: How Do I Change Myself?

How Do I Change Myself According To The Situation?


I feel misunderstood

Do you know a married couple who is listner, understanding, make sacrifices for one another, has a heart to help others and are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast

~ The Chameleon Personality ~ 

Imagine ... having the craziest powerful marriage.  A marriage which will help you fully leverage all the drive and passion to help you and others around you be all you can be.  
Video Podcast

2-1: Why will Life GPS mobile web app help me?

Are you looking for answers / solutions?

What is the biggest challenge you are facing in any area of your life or marriage?  If someone ... anyone were to help you in any area of your life or marriage, what would you love help on?  
Married couples around the world are finding this free mobile web app to assist them to better understand themselves, their spouses and others around them.  This app helps them to "get into flow" and come together as one heart, one mind to be able to not only do life together, but to have the marriage that we dream of.  There is not only hope for having a good marriage, but there is passion and excitement for having the marriage of our dreams.

Out Of Order

Are you drawn to the cube and/or do you not like when things aren't done properly and in order?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn to better connect with others you may be frustrated with.

"Ready, Aim ... check, check check."


Out Of Control

Are you drawn to the Pyramid and/or do you dislike when things are out of control?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to help others to learn to control their own lives so you don't have to clean up after others.

"Fire, Aim ... 'Are we ready?'"


Conflict With Others

Are you drawn to the Ball and/or do you dislike conflict with others?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how not to fear conflict.

"Are we all ready?  Are we sure?"


Boring / Not Fun

Are you drawn to the Wavy Line and/or do you dislike things which are boring or not fun?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to have more fun in your life.

"We're ready!  Fire ... Aim?"

2-2: Ask Your Question Here...

Ask Your Question / Thought and/or Problem Here ... 

Would you like a volunteer to connect with you?

Share Your Experiences Here...

FB Comments Will Be Here (placeholder)

The Voices of Integrity Podcast caters to visionary individuals, covering a wide range of diverse subjects.

2-3: What You Will Experience On This Podcast:
How To LEVERAGE Talents
How do we LEVERAGE in a positive way, everyone in our lives for mutual benefit?

How To LEVERAGE Systems
How do we build the right systems to LEVERAGE our passions, our life vision and all other systems for success?
How To LEVERAGE Networks
Are you LEVERAGING your networks and the networks of those around you for everyone's mutual success?  
Voices Of Integrity . . . It is being designed and engineered to help you deeply understand "INTEGRITY".  

2-4: Personality Types & Mental Health

The questions we ask, the questions we answer, how we answer the questions and what questions we tend to try to ignore tell us a great deal about ourselves and may reveal a great deal about how our mental health is currently and will be in the future.  

We all have been given our personalities ... "Our Bent" from  how we were created in the womb,  through how we were raised and our life experiences. 

The diagram to the right reveals what some of the common mental health issues are with each personality type.  

Hmmm ... this is interesting, isn't it?  Imagine ... learning about how we could identify our mental health challenge BEFORE they brought great harm to us and those around us.

What if ... we're thinking about mental health in the wrong way?

What if how we think causes us pain, hurt and trauma ... actually gives us energy, power and passion?  

What if ... The Amiable actually enjoys conflict because it gives them a chance to be a peacemaker and the Analytic loves when things are done wrong, as it gives them a chance to be a hero?  What if the Expressive loves boring as it gives them a chance to show how exciting they are and the Driver loves when things get out of control because is gives them a chance to fix problems?  

Take a look at the above list and see which one's we may see in ourselves and what this self-awareness may mean to us, our spouse and those around us.

Think about it ... "Does it seem that with each possible weakness" mental health issue that there is an opposite strength that goes along with this weakness?"   If this was the case, what would this mean?  

Might it mean that our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength taken too far?  If this were the case, why would we take a strength and take it too far?   Is it possible that, we are given strengths ... we value those strengths for some period of time but then pride / ego seep in and we think we're the reason for the strength?  Is it possible that this happens without us even realizing it ... where it sneaks up on us ... and we get prideful / overconfident and then crash and burn?"

Is it possible that we are a poor stewards of what we have been give?   

The Amiable Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Amiable Not Like Asked?"

Peace & Harmony

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Care for people.
* Are nice to others.
* Love peace and seek to avoid conflicts.
* Enjoy being around people.
* Serving others.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the ball
   ~ Does not like conflict 

If you chose the ball and/or you chose that you don't like conflict then you likely are what we refer to as an Amiable.

Questions the Amiable Does Not Like To Hear

  • Why do you lack self-awareness?
  • Do you really think you are a caring person?
  • Do you realize you create more conflict by avoiding it?
  • Do you care that I feel that you care more about others than you do me, based on how nice you treat others, even when it hurts me / us?
We as amiable personalities tend to like questions which reveal how nice, kind and loving we are.  We tend to not like questions which challenge the way we think about ourselves.  
What No One Teaches Us ... 
As a spouse who is amiable, we tend to tell people what they like to hear, what feels good to people and that results in others telling us what we want to hear.  We don't treat our spouse like we treat others and that can build a lot of resentment in our spouses.  

The Analytic Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Analytic Personality Tend To Like Have Asked?"

Done In Good Order

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in our knowledge to relationships.
* Enjoy teaching others.
* Have strength in studying & learning things.
* Enjoy explaining things to others.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the cube
   ~ Don't like things being done wrong.

If you chose the cube and/or you chose that you don't like when things aren't done properly or in order you likely are the analytic personality.  

Questions the Analytic Does Not Like To Hear

  • How much of the knowledge you have actually helps us?
  • How can someone know so much and understand so little?
  • Do you understand how self righteous you are and how much better you think you are than others around you?
  • Why is your ego so very big and how in the world can you not see that? 
We as analytic personalities tend to like questions which reveal how smart and intelligent we are.  We tend to not like questions which challenge the way we think about ourselves. 
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as analytics literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel smart ... and that can lead to pride and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

The Expressive Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Expressive Personality Tend Not To Like?"

Done With Energy

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in energy and passion.
* Enjoy seeing others feel and join in success. 
* Have strengths in being outgoing and creating excitement with others
* Able to motivate and inspire others to do things that people never thought possible.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the wavy line
   ~ Don't like things which are boring or not fun

If you chose the wavy line and/or you chose that you don't like when things are boring or not fun then you are likely the the expressive personality.  

Questions the Expressive Tends Not To Like

  • Why do you think you have such low self esteem, self image that you have to always be the center of attention?
  • Why do you have to make a joke out of everything?
  • Why does everything have to be fun and why do I get stuck doing all the things you don't enjoy doing? 
  • Why aren't you able to feel anyone else's pain / feelings / energy than your own?
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as expressive literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel funny, important, the center of attention ... and that can lead to narcissism and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

The Driver Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Driver Personality Tend Not To Like?"

Very Driven!

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be very strong in doing what others aren't willing or able to do.  Do the impossible.
* Willing to confront things which are wrong.
* Great at seeing a very large vision.
* Strong in taking risks.
* Very direct / honest with people. 
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the pyramid 
   ~ Don't like when things are out of control

If you chose the pyramid and/or you chose that you don't like when things are out of control then you are likely the driver personality.  

Questions the Driver Tends Not To Like

  • How can you be so clear on your goals and you seem to be unable to even see the goals that I want in life?
  • Why are you always so mean to everyone ... and you don't even seem to care? 
  • Why do you think people are so stupid?
  • Why can't you just be nice to people?
  • Why do you always have to be doing something / accomplishing something?  
Actually ... the sad truth may be that the driver personality may not mind these questions as they get them from a lot of people in their lives and kind of build up a tolerance.  This could be good or bad, it just depends.  
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as the driver personality, get a dopamine hit in our brain when things get out of control and we become a superhero ... which is not always bad but can be bad at times.  Does it cause mental health issues in us or maybe it creates mental health issues, that often build up over the years, in others? 

Quantum Feeling Model

Are feelings important?   Of course they are ... but, maybe not the way we think they are.  Think about it ... when we have physical pain, what do we learn from that physical pain?   We learn that there is something that is not right with us.  Physical pain doesn't reveal that something is wrong with others, it represents that something is wrong with us.  

If feelings and emotions are similar to physical, in the mental world, then our feelings don't reveal things about others, but feelings reveal something that is wrong or maybe "off" with us.

Are we seduced by entitlement?   Did we think life was going to be easy?  Do we think that we're nice to everyone else so others should be nice to us?  

Do we think people should be treated a certain way ... (Amiable) and you know, that way is the way that we think people should be treated?  The way we think others should be treated?  Which when you think about it that way, our entitlement falls into self-righteousness where we think we're smarter, better, more caring or loving than others.

If this doesn't get what we want, then we seem to fall into being a victim.   When we think about it ... we as adults, it seems, often are no different than small children.  

Video Podcast
Audio Podcast

Hmmm ... that would be self-righteousness.  Do we seek evidence, everywhere to support our perspective and in doing so, reveal that our hearts are the same as those we tend to think we see in others?  Do we slip into being self-righteous ... where we feel, and don't even realize that we're feeling entitlement and self-righteousness which often quickly leads to being a victim?   

What are the results of these three feelings?  Depression, anger and bitterness.  

What are the vaccines to each of the three of these?

Entitlement ~ Thankfulness ... When we are thankful it helps us to see all the amazing blessings that we have.  We don't become self-centered or consumed and thankfulness will prevent us from moving into Self-Righteousness.

Self-Righteousness ~ Humility ... Saying we are humble doesn't make us humble.  Often ... those we think are the most humble who act humble, may be the most self-righteous and those who seem like the are the most arrogant might be, the most humble.  A lot of people feel good about what we do and we feel good ... feeling so many feelings and that often leads to being self-righteous when someone questions us or asks us a hard question.  

Victim ~ Ownership ... How many times, do we struggle with taking personal ownership and feel that others have hurt us, been unfair to us and never even ask what they did to hurt us?  We often surround ourselves with people, who will tell us what we want to hear and tell our side of the story and poison or destroy those around us who dare to question or challenge us.  

How Various Personalities Are Vulnerable

Analytic ~ Cube & "Out Of Order"

Vulnerable to being OCD, fixated on the smallest details and miss the big picture.  Can be defensive, have challenges in taking ownership and often struggles with ego & self-righteousness.

Driver ~ Pyramid & "Out Of Control"

Vulnerable to being perceived as being abusive, controlling and overly aggressive.  Can overreact to their perception of things being out of control and often do not realize how powerful they can come across to others.  Often these personalities are the most vulnerable but seem like they are the least vulnerable.  

Expressive ~ Wavy Line & "Boring and/or Not Fun"

Vulnerable to being a bit crazy, doing risky things, coming across as flippant, dismissive and cocky.  Vulnerable to making rash decisions, making mistakes due to not having all the details.

Amiable ~ Ball & "Conflict With Others"

Vulnerable to being taken advantage of and taking advantage of others and not realizing it.  Due to fear of conflict they can make things far worse because they do not address things quickly.  So focused on people that often tasks don't get done and/or allowing people to take advantage of use and those around us.

How Do We Change At A Heart Level?

How do we know we truly understand?  We DO ... We Change!

Internalization ~ The deep feeling or sense, the embedding of something directly into our very DNA.  
We are seeking to work together to learn how to help people / couples to INTERNALIZE things faster.  The faster we INTERNALIZE things, the faster we achieve CLARITY as to the type of marriage we both desire, the faster we SEE success, the faster we learn to THINK differently and the faster we DO, or take action.  
Often, in our marriage, we say "I get it" when in fact we actually think we get it, but we really do not.  What individuals are missing is the Natural Law of The NEXT Dimension Principle.  It helps us to SEE that "Yes" we do "get it" at our current way of thinking but there is a whole new dimension, The NEXT Dimension where if we are humble or curious like a small child we will jump through the Dimensional GAP that maybe one spouse senses or feels the marriage is in, but the other one does not.  
If we are the type of spouse that TALKS a lot ... has a lot of words, says a lot of things ... well ... we may be a talker and not a DOER and that can burn out a marriage.  Often these types of spouses, just wear down their spouse ... give the impression to others they are working so hard, trying so much and think they change, but maybe not very much.  If the marriage does end, these types of people will become a victim and work to get everyone on their side to feel sorry for the person.  They will then become self-righteous, as they act humble, use a lot of words which they think convey humility and actually eventually believe it in their hearts ... but maybe not so much.  What they never seem to realize, to be able to internalize is that they are entitled and share a lot of words, every chance they get to help their spouses to see that "Mistakes were made ... but not by me."
Another good book is "Stop Walking on Eggshells" and helps to understand Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD.  What's interesting is that the spouse who has the BPD will almost never read the book.  It's like ... they have imposter syndrome ... and somehow, in their minds, they believe that is a good thing and have data to back it up.  Meanwhile the BPD's spouse continues to suffer and questions if they are the one who has the issues.  The BPD is a master and the 9 D's to distraction of others.   ~ click here

Q&A ~ Questions & Answers

These are questions which we will be addressing in future podcasts.  To add your own question(s) which you do not see covered ~ click here ~
1. Conflict
    1a. When there were disagreements, how did you work them out?
    1b. When issues did happen how long did it go until you had everything worked out?
    1c. What was the longest time it took for you to resolve an issue?
    1d. Did issues get resolved with voices raised or even tones?
    1e. How did you work out your marriage after you almost got divorced?
2. Money
    2a. How often did you sit down together to go over finances?
    2b. Did you always agree with how the money was spent?
3. Personal Growth
    3a. How did you self-motivated to work at home and stay focused?
Questions On Children
1. How did you help out at home with the kids while you worked from home?
2. What have you learned to do when kids start to get between parents?
3. Did you argue in front of the children at any point?
4. Did you agree on discipline with the kids?
5. Did you both discipline the children?

Time & Personalities - How We Think In Marriages

" How much does our personality affect our marriage? If you as a married couple had more time would it help your marriage? Connect our personality to how we think about time and that becomes a powerful lesson to help marriages improve. "

Time & Personalities

What do you think?

How much does our personality affect our marriage? If you as a married couple had more time would it help your marriage? Connect our personality to how we think about time and that becomes a powerful lesson to help marriages improve.

Each personality has strength as it relates to time in our marriages. When we combine our strengths with our spouses strengths, it will help us to have the marriages we have always dreamed of.   
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast
Time Wasters
We waste so much time in this area ... and never even think about it.  

What is it?   

It's the words we speak.
When we learn to be intentional as to WHAT and WHY we are saying something and actually give consideration to if what we are saying has value or if there was something better we could share ... we will see our lives change.
If you say ... "That seems like a lot of work." or "That doesn't sound fun" ... well ... not to be harsh but if we think this, we may both be lazy and selfish.
People who are lazy and selfish tend to have challenges in having deep relationships and often are not very happy and feel they are not fulfilled.   The reason we have feelings like this ... is ... well ... because it's often true.  Taking medication may help to change the feelings ... but doesn't do anything to change the truth.  We can feel good, in the short term ... but we are still lazy and selfish.
"10 Reasons Why Someone Talks"
We as human beings often seem to not think about the words we use to speak or why we are saying what we are saying.  We waste words and often talk about things that have very little value.   
  • 1. Clueless ~ Don’t actually know why they are talking. They just talk.
  • 2. Ego ~ To impress others. To make themselves feel or look good.
  • 3. Seduce ~ People want to seduce you into thinking the way they think.
  • 4. Educate ~ People don’t think you know what they know so they feel a need to explain.
  • 5. Connect ~ People feel more connected by talking so they talk more to be more connected.
  • 6. Move ~ People want you to move from one place / way of thinking to where they are.
  • 7. Insecure ~ They talk to gain confidence or at least perceived confidence.
  • 8. Thinking ~ People feel they need to talk to think. Not the most effective way to think.
  • 9. Destruction ~ The 9 D’s to the path destruction. They are headed there and will lead you.
  • 10. Intention ~ To accomplish something very specific with everything they say.

Does It Bother You ... 

Does it bother you when people answer questions you never asked and or don't answer the questions you do ask?

Why do people do this?

1. Poor Listening
What's interesting is that people often don't even hear the question you ask.  TIP:  Stop them and ask them if they heard the question you asked.
2. Fear
People often fear that if they answer your question, it will reveal something about themselves that they do not want you /others to know.  TIP:  Say ... "Hmmm, that's interesting ..." and then ask the same question again.  
3. Arrogance 
Often people think that they know more than you do and give you an answer to a question they think is a better question than you asked.   TIP: Maybe say ... "Wow that's a great answer to a different question than I asked ... so ... what ... (ask the question again)."
5. Low EQ
Low EQ (emotional quotient) is Emotional Intelligence where people give you a low level answer to a question you never asked.   TIP: Maybe just smile and say "Thanks."   
6. Sphere Of Influence
Often people who explain themselves, give a lot of details when we are asking a "Yes" or "No" question.  This indicates they are often surrounded by people who need explanation / lower level answers and they are just used to that.  
Maybe Try ... 
Try to have a bit of fun with people and ... ask them  the question that they already gave the answer to.  :-)  What's the strange ... is that they often won't answer the question they already answered.
Maybe try ... "Did you realize you didn't answer the question that I asked?"

"Any idea why?"
Remember ... and give some room as most people asking questions ... also have no real intention behind the question so people aren't used to someone actually caring if they answered a question.

Specific Topics

Being A Producer - NOT a Consumer (TJJS)

" Are we Producers vs. Consumers in our marriage, to our spouse? Do we give back to our spouse far more than we take ... or ... do we think we do this but we're delusional? "

Producer VS Consumer

What do you think?

A wife asked "How can I better help / support her husband?" How do we as couples "Be more in flow?" What's the benefit of this? Well ... there are too many benefits to list, but we'll say that when we are in flow, the physical intimacy in our marriage moves into the TJJS (Tarzan Jane Jungle Sex) and as Mark said "TJJS feels like heaven on earth." Within a marriage it's so very powerful and makes everything better.

For sure let us know what you think about this podcast.

Audio Podcast
Oh ... please vote on which TJJS, imagine you would prefer to be used in podcasts to indicate that there are intimacy tips.
Video Podcast

Parenting Adult Children

" Do you have adult children? "

Adult Children


Do you have adult children? What kind of relationship do you have with them? 

Would you like to enhance that relationship?

Do you struggle with how your adult children treat you? 

Listen to this podcast and grow with us. Tell us what you think. Maybe you have a question yourself.
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Winning The Heart Of A Woman +

" What does it take to win the heart of a woman? How do some guys learn this? How does a wife better understand the heart / hurt / life of a man? How does a wife know if she's pushing her husband too hard? "

Adult Children


Wow ... this podcast covers a lot of ground in a short period of time. Wives, it's ideal to listen to this with your husband ... but ... it may be too intense / touch him at a too deep of a level so he may listen to it on his own.

Husband's ... take it from a man who has been married for 39 years and now has four adult daughters ... Yes ... a woman's heart is tricky for sure, but it's worth the work and it will help you to become who you were created to be.  

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Crazy Women & Delusional

" Crazy Women & What if your spouse is delusional? "


What do you think?

This podcast is a crazy one with so much ... almost too much. Great suggestions to help kids who whine and fight and same tips for spouses where their spouses act as children.
What if the spouse sees themselves as an imposter and thinks that is a good thing? They may rationalize it where they say to themselves and others that being an imposter is a good thing ... because if you fake being a good husband long enough, then you'll actually become a good husband?
This doesn't just happen with alcohol and drug addicts but often seems to happen to "good Christian men."   
They will use WORDS and if they tell themselves and their spouse and children they are good husbands and dads long enough the wife and children often "just give up" and don't say anything.

Often these same men will talk really sweet in public and seek to serve their wife, tell their wife how amazing she is and lift her up publicly but when alone with her, the "good Christian" men will berate, get angry, yell and try to break their wives down.

They will SAY they want to have help, but will only go to someone who will support what they have to say. They SAY they care and love their wife but if their wife shares the importance of doing simple things they dig in and won't do them.

They try to keep a distance from family who knows them and there are patterns just like an alcoholic, they will be really nice ... as long as people tell them what they want to hear but then make their wife pay if she reveals how he really is or asks him to do something he doesn't want to do? When a wife gets tired of this she will often seek a divorce and just like an alcoholic, he will come around for a period of time and change ... but will slip back into his own ways without even seemingly knowing it.
Audio Podcast
Has he been abused as a child? Has he been hurt? Are synopsis in his brain fried to where he gets high, he's addicted to being a VICTIM, and/or being ENTITLED and/or being SELF-RIGHTEOUS? Does he not even realize how messed up he is and/or has fallen in love with being a victim in his own mind?

Will he even try being healed from hurt? Sadly, it seems like maybe not.

So ... is there any hope? Christians would say that God is the only solution but often these poor souls are Christians. Hmmm ... it seems like what these types of guys thrive / live on is what they think people think of them. Yep ... it seems like maybe the thing that will cure them is exposure. If the wife / family loves this person enough they may document the patterns.

Outside people usually won't believe it ... but if they see years of documentation and the patterns then the imposter is exposed and maybe that will free them or at least if the person won't be freed, then maybe the spouse and children will be freed? 
Video Podcast

Disaster To Discovery

" How do you go from a -20 on a 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, to an 8 in a few weeks? "

Mind Blowing?

What do you think?

How do you go from a -20 on a 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, to an 8 in a few weeks?
Jason and Melissa share their reluctance to try something both were against trying it and finding it changed ... well ... everything.
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 Being A Good Listener To Your Spouse

" Do you struggle with motivation, self-awareness, and being a good listener to your spouse? "


What do you think?

Do you struggle with motivation, self-awareness, and being a good listener to your spouse? 

Then, this is the podcast for you. Do you hear only what is being said but do not actually "hear the heart"? 

What do you do when you think a spouse needs a little push? Are you a spouse who takes action, or are you the one who needs a 'push'?
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Life GPS is life changing!

Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you're asking HOW will Life GPS change your life forever? It's a great question. It's actually hard to put into words. In a car we use a GPS to get us from one location to another. Life GPS is like that for our life. It helps us first and foremost to better understand ourselves. It helps us to use our passions to achieve our full potential. It also helps us to help those around us to help them achieve their full potential. Join today and help others around us to do the same.

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How Do We Change At A Heart Level?

How do we know we truly understand?  We DO ... We Change!

Internalization ~ The deep feeling or sense, the embedding of something directly into our very DNA.  
We are seeking to work together to learn how to help people / couples to INTERNALIZE things faster.  The faster we INTERNALIZE things, the faster we achieve CLARITY as to the type of marriage we both desire, the faster we SEE success, the faster we learn to THINK differently and the faster we DO, or take action.  
Often, in our marriage, we say "I get it" when in fact we actually think we get it, but we really do not.  What individuals are missing is the Natural Law of The NEXT Dimension Principle.  It helps us to SEE that "Yes" we do "get it" at our current way of thinking but there is a whole new dimension, The NEXT Dimension where if we are humble or curious like a small child we will jump through the Dimensional GAP that maybe one spouse senses or feels the marriage is in, but the other one does not.  
If we are the type of spouse that TALKS a lot ... has a lot of words, says a lot of things ... well ... we may be a talker and not a DOER and that can burn out a marriage.  Often these types of spouses, just wear down their spouse ... give the impression to others they are working so hard, trying so much and think they change, but maybe not very much.  If the marriage does end, these types of people will become a victim and work to get everyone on their side to feel sorry for the person.  They will then become self-righteous, as they act humble, use a lot of words which they think convey humility and actually eventually believe it in their hearts ... but maybe not so much.  What they never seem to realize, to be able to internalize is that they are entitled and share a lot of words, every chance they get to help their spouses to see that "Mistakes were made ... but not by me."
Another good book is "Stop Walking on Eggshells" and helps to understand Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD.  What's interesting is that the spouse who has the BPD will almost never read the book.  It's like ... they have imposter syndrome ... and somehow, in their minds, they believe that is a good thing and have data to back it up.  Meanwhile the BPD's spouse continues to suffer and questions if they are the one who has the issues.  The BPD is a master and the 9 D's to distraction of others.   ~ click here

Quantum Feeling Model

Are feelings important?   Of course they are ... but, maybe not the way we think they are.  Think about it ... when we have physical pain, what do we learn from that physical pain?   We learn that there is something that is not right with us.  Physical pain doesn't reveal that something is wrong with others, it represents that something is wrong with us.  

If feelings and emotions are similar to physical, in the mental world, then our feelings don't reveal things about others, but feelings reveal something that is wrong or maybe "off" with us.

Are we seduced by entitlement?   Did we think life was going to be easy?  Do we think that we're nice to everyone else so others should be nice to us?  

Do we think people should be treated a certain way ... (Amiable) and you know, that way is the way that we think people should be treated?  The way we think others should be treated?  Which when you think about it that way, our entitlement falls into self-righteousness where we think we're smarter, better, more caring or loving than others.

If this doesn't get what we want, then we seem to fall into being a victim.   When we think about it ... we as adults, it seems, often are no different than small children.  

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Hmmm ... that would be self-righteousness.  Do we seek evidence, everywhere to support our perspective and in doing so, reveal that our hearts are the same as those we tend to think we see in others?  Do we slip into being self-righteous ... where we feel, and don't even realize that we're feeling entitlement and self-righteousness which often quickly leads to being a victim?   

What are the results of these three feelings?  Depression, anger and bitterness.  

What are the vaccines to each of the three of these?

Entitlement ~ Thankfulness ... When we are thankful it helps us to see all the amazing blessings that we have.  We don't become self-centered or consumed and thankfulness will prevent us from moving into Self-Righteousness.

Self-Righteousness ~ Humility ... Saying we are humble doesn't make us humble.  Often ... those we think are the most humble who act humble, may be the most self-righteous and those who seem like the are the most arrogant might be, the most humble.  A lot of people feel good about what we do and we feel good ... feeling so many feelings and that often leads to being self-righteous when someone questions us or asks us a hard question.  

Victim ~ Ownership ... How many times, do we struggle with taking personal ownership and feel that others have hurt us, been unfair to us and never even ask what they did to hurt us?  We often surround ourselves with people, who will tell us what we want to hear and tell our side of the story and poison or destroy those around us who dare to question or challenge us.  

2-1: Why will Life GPS mobile web app help me?

Are you looking for answers / solutions?

What is the biggest challenge you are facing in any area of your life or marriage?  If someone ... anyone were to help you in any area of your life or marriage, what would you love help on?  
Married couples around the world are finding this free mobile web app to assist them to better understand themselves, their spouses and others around them.  This app helps them to "get into flow" and come together as one heart, one mind to be able to not only do life together, but to have the marriage that we dream of.  There is not only hope for having a good marriage, but there is passion and excitement for having the marriage of our dreams.

Out Of Order

Are you drawn to the cube and/or do you not like when things aren't done properly and in order?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn to better connect with others you may be frustrated with.

"Ready, Aim ... check, check check."


Out Of Control

Are you drawn to the Pyramid and/or do you dislike when things are out of control?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to help others to learn to control their own lives so you don't have to clean up after others.

"Fire, Aim ... 'Are we ready?'"


Conflict With Others

Are you drawn to the Ball and/or do you dislike conflict with others?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how not to fear conflict.

"Are we all ready?  Are we sure?"


Boring / Not Fun

Are you drawn to the Wavy Line and/or do you dislike things which are boring or not fun?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to have more fun in your life.

"We're ready!  Fire ... Aim?"