Voices of Integrity

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A podcast about Voices Of Integrity for Business Owners - Cloning Myself

Specific Topics

4 Levels Of Learning

" What do the four levels of learning have to do with cloning ourselves? "



What do the four levels of learning have to do with cloning ourselves? 

Actually ... everything. This is a great podcast not only for business owners but also for employees as well. 

 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, which is the same for any team. ~ ActionVISION coaching link ~
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Cloning Different Personality Types

" As a business owner, have you ever wondered why things often have 
come easy for you to learn, but hard for others to pick up? "


Ever Wondered?

As a business owner, have you ever wondered why things often have come easy for you to learn, but hard for others to pick up?
Each personality type will have strengths and weaknesses and when we understand our own personality type and the types of others, we are able to clone ourselves and others much faster. ~ActionVISION coaching link~
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Rapid Learning & The NEXT Dimensional & Blacking Out

"Have you ever wondered why people get stuck and don't seem to make a breakthrough 
to the next dimension? How do we clone ourselves faster?"

Rapid Learning

Ever Wondered?

Have you ever wondered why people get stuck and don't seem to make a breakthrough to the next dimension? 

How do we clone ourselves faster? How do we learn faster and help others around us as well? 

How do we prevent from blacking out and help others around us not to either, due to how fast we're learning ...How fast things are coming at us? ~ActionVISION coaching link ~
Audio Podcast In Development
Video Podcast In Development

Warm Belly Rub

So what's one of the hardest things about cloning oneself in business? What's hardest is not actually cloning what we know we do well, but cloning the amazing things we do and don't even know we do.



It's the unconscious competence, those things we're good at and don't even realize we are and/or how important those things are to the overall success of what we do.

After you listen to this podcast, write down everything you can think of that may seem little, those things which are not about doing a task well, but those things no one really even notices. Work with your ActionVISION coach and team members to start to write down those things you may not naturally notice and then figure out the best way to teach others these things.  
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Coffee Connections

" As a business owner, are you struggling with employees? "



As a business owner, are you struggling with employees? Would you value systems which help you hire the best people, learn how to on-board them in the best possible way and then train, coach and mentor them to maximum profitability? 

 Coffee Connection could be one of  your most powerful tools in doing this. Share this with other business owners you know. As we help others see success, they will help us see greater success. Together we can accomplish far more than we ever could on our own.
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Risk & Return + Life-Long Relationships

" Why are interest rates higher for some people/opportunities than for others? "

Interest Rates


Why are interest rates higher for some people/opportunities than for others? Is there such a thing as low risk and high return? Understanding this lesson will help you save and earn millions of dollars. 

Fail to understand its significance and/or internalize it, and you'll lose millions of dollars. The worst part is that you won't even realize you've lost it, so you'll never be able to learn from your mistakes because you won't even know you've made them. Who are two people you would share this with?
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Cloning - A - B - C Targets with Nicole

" How do we clone something we're great at but don't even know we're great at? Nicole is amazing in so many ways; setting up events/activities is one of her many talents. "



Mark and Nicole discuss the targeted approach of pulling people from the room and placing them into Group A, Group B, and Group C. They also discuss how to follow up with Group A in three ways, Group B in two ways, and Group C in one way, which maximizes productivity.

Who are two other business owners or employees who would benefit from this? Consult your ActionVISION coaching team to determine the best way to implement what you learn from this podcast.
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Cloning Sales Success and Sales Management

" What are the secrets to cloning success in sales ... or ... really anywhere in sales?  "



As leaders are we using the Warm Belly Rub principle to clone success? Are we using the principles used in the genetic engineering of corn to clone the best traits from our salespeople / best employees to produce a "super salesperson / super employee?"
Talk with your ActionVISION coach about what you learned from this podcast and then what actions you will take from what we learned together in this podcast.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Life GPS is life changing!

Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you're asking HOW will Life GPS change your life forever? It's a great question. It's actually hard to put into words. In a car we use a GPS to get us from one location to another. Life GPS is like that for our life. It helps us first and foremost to better understand ourselves. It helps us to use our passions to achieve our full potential. It also helps us to help those around us to help them achieve their full potential. Join today and help others around us to do the same.

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