Voices of Integrity

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A podcast about Voices Of Integrity With Police/Law Enforcement

1- Podcast for Police + Pastor + Politician

What Do We Need To Hear?

OK ... this one may be a bit tough to listen to and may offend you. Please do not go into this area, if you feel that you are sensitive to people asking hard questions and/or going deep in the minds of police, pastors and politicians.

2- Podcast for Law Emforcement - Building A Successful Marriage

What Do We Need To Hear?

As a police officer / someone in law enforcement have you ever felt that all marriages were tough, but being in law enforcement makes marriage even harder? Are you a husband who just doesn't get his wife and/or can't ever seem to make her happy? You've got to check this out.

About The Group / Podcast

" What Is This Group / Podcast About? How Can We Join The Podcast? 
Which Type Of People Will Gain The Most Value From This Podcast?"

What Is This Group / Podcast About?

This podcast delves into the realm of police and law enforcement, offering insights on navigating challenges and enhancing your professional life. It shares practical tips on dealing with difficult situations and handling tough decisions, aiming to make your career in law enforcement stronger. Join in to discover strategies for improving communication, teamwork, and overall job satisfaction in your journey in law enforcement.

How Can We Join The LIVE Podcast? 

To join the podcast, simply click the provided Zoom link every Sunday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The discussion centers around improving life and handling challenges.   Go to www.RavingFan.net to join live Zoom.

Do You Have A Question / Problem?

Have You Benefited From These Podcasts?

People We Are Looking For?

This podcast is tailored for law enforcement professionals seeking to enhance their skills and well-being in their career. Whether you're facing challenges on the job or striving for greater fulfillment in your law enforcement role, you've come to the right place. We provide practical insights and actionable tips to navigate difficult situations and improve professional relationships. Join us for engaging discussions and practical advice on enhancing communication, teamwork, and overall job satisfaction in your journey in law enforcement. Whether you're encountering difficulties in conflict resolution or simply aiming for a more fulfilling career, we're here to support you. Tune in and let's collaborate to strengthen your effectiveness and satisfaction in your law enforcement career.

1-2 Introduction - Amiable

Podcast for Police - Introduction - Amiable



Are you a police officer ... or someone who cares about police officers? This podcast will help any man who is feeling stressed and pressured and know they need help.

What are the challenges police officer face in their entire life?

What are the answers to the challenges / problems...
Audio Podcast

~ The Amiable Personality ~ 

Do you know a police officer who is caring, loving and others are taking advantage of him?  Do you know a police officerwho has been there and can be an encouragement to others who are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.
Video Podcast

1-3: Podcast for Police - Analytic

" As someone in law enforcement, what are our strengths and weaknesses if we choose the cube / things being out of order? "

Deescalate Situations


As someone in law enforcement, what are our strengths and weaknesses if we choose the cube / things being out of order? Who might this personality type tend to marry and how can they have a better marriage? What can we do to deescalate situations both at home and in the field? This podcast covers the analytic personality type and the many variations of the analytic.

As you are experiencing this podcast, think about others who may benefit from this as well. Let's not just TALK caring for our fellow officers / their spouses and children but let's DO care.   
Audio Podcast

~ The Analytic Personality ~ 

Do you know an analytic Police officer who thinks he has knowledge, has wisdom, is organized and like more little details and always think he is right and and is willing to give 30 minute of his time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.
Video Podcast

1-4: Podcast for Police - Expressive

" Are you, or do you know a police officer who's greatest strength may be their energy, excitement and enthusiasm? And maybe their greatest weakness might be their energy, excitement and enthusiasm? Maybe they have a million ideas which ... can be really good ... or can be hard for them and those around them. " 



As we've learned in other podcasts, our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is just our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. This personality is fun for sure and they are able to do things that the other personalities are not able to do ... both from a good perspective often, but at times it can hurt them and those around them.

If you're married to an Expressive personality this is a great podcast to listen to and learn how you can better love them for who they were created to be and how you can get them to better love you.

Share this podcast with others you know.  
Audio Podcast

The Expressive Personality  

Do you know a expressive police officer who thinks he is passionate, is energetic, is talkative and likely more to engage and always thinks he is right and is willing to give 30 minutes of his time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.
Video Podcast

1-5: Podcast for Police - Driver

" Are you, or do you know a police officer who's greatest strength may be their drive / assertiveness and they make things happen? And maybe their greatest weakness might be their drive / assertiveness and they make things happen? "



As we've learned in other podcasts, our greatest strength is our greatest  weakness and our greatest weakness is just our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far.

If you're married to a Driver personality this is a great podcast to listen to and learn how you can better love them for who they were created to be and how you can get them to better love you.

Share this podcast with others you know.  
Audio Podcast

~ The Driver Personality ~ 

Do you know a driver police officer who thinks he is passionate, is energetic, is chaser and likely more to drive thing forward and always thinks he is right and and is willing to give 30 minutes of his time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.
Video Podcast

1-6: How Do I Change Myself?

How Do I Change Myself According To The Situation?


I feel misunderstood

Do you know a police officer who is listner, understanding, make sacrifices for one another, has a heart to help others and are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast In Progress

~ The Chameleon Personality ~ 

Imagine ... having the craziest powerful life.  A life which will help you fully leverage all the drive and passion to help you and others around you be all you can be.  
Video Podcast In Progress

2-1: Why will Life GPS mobile web app help me?

Are you looking for answers / solutions?

What is your biggest challenge you are facing in any area of your life / ministry?  If someone ... anyone were to help you in any area of your life, what would you love help on?  
Pastors around the country are finding this free mobile web app to assist them to better understand themselves and others around them, to "get into flow" and come together as one heart, one mind to be able to not only do life together, but to take everyone's God given passions and accomplish far more for the kingdom together than we ever could on our own.

Out Of Order

Are you drawn to the cube and/or do you not like when things aren't done properly and in order?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn to better connect with others you may be frustrated with.

Out Of Control

Are you drawn to the Pyramid and/or do you dislike when things are out of control?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to help others to learn to control their own lives so you don't have to clean up after others.

Conflict With Others

Are you drawn to the Ball and/or do you dislike conflict with others?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how not to fear conflict.

Boring / Not Fun

Are you drawn to the Wavy Line and/or do you dislike things which are boring or not fun?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how not to have more fun in your life.

2-2: Ask Your Question Here...

This Will Take Less Than A Minute To Fill It...

Ask Your Question Here and We Will Connect With You Soon....

Share Your Experiences Here...

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The Voices of Integrity Podcast caters to visionary individuals, covering a wide range of diverse subjects.

2-3: What You Will Experience On This Podcast:
How To LEVERAGE Talents
How do we LEVERAGE in a positive way, everyone in our lives for mutual benefit?

How To LEVERAGE Systems
How do we build the right systems to LEVERAGE our passions, our life vision and all other systems for success?
How To LEVERAGE Networks
You are LEVERAGING your networks and the networks for those around you for everyone's mutual success?  
Voices Of Integrity . . . It is being designed and engineered to help you deeply understand "INTEGRITY".  

2-4: Personality Types & Mental Health

The questions we ask, the questions we answer, how we answer the questions and what questions we tend to try to ignore tell us a great deal about ourselves and may reveal a great deal about how our mental health is currently and will be in the future.  

We all have been given our personalities ... "Our Bent" from God through how He created us in our womb,  through how we were raised and our life experiences. 

The diagram to the right reveals what some of the common mental health issues are with each personality type.  

Hmmm ... this is interesting, isn't it?  Imagine ... learning about how we could identify our mental health challenge BEFORE they brought great harm to us and those around us.

Take a look at the above list and see which one's you may see in yourself and what this self-awareness may mean to you and those you are called by God to serve.  

Think about it ... "Does it seem that with each possible weakness" mental health issue that there is an opposite strength that goes along with this weakness?"   If this was the case, what would this mean?  

Might it mean that our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength taken too far?  If this were the case, why would we take a strength and take it too far?   Is it possible the God gives us our strengths ... we value those strengths for some period of time but then pride / ego seep in and we think we're the reason for the strength?  Is it possible that this happens without us even realizing it ... where it sneaks up on us ... and as we take more and more credit for our God given strengths that God says ... "OK ... if you want to take ownership for a gift I've given you, you can do so ... and you'll reap the harvest of the weakness that comes as a result of you taking credit for something I have given you?"

Is it possible that we are a poor steward of God's gifts to us?   

Peace & Harmony

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Care for people.
* Are nice to others.
* Love peace and seek to avoid conflicts.
* Enjoy being around people.
* Serving others.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Choose the ball
   ~ Does not like conflict 

If you choose the ball and/or you chose that you don't like conflict then you likely are what we refer to as an Amiable.

Questions the Amiable Police Officer Tends To Like

  • Why does God love us so much?
  • How can we all be more loving for public?
  • How can we get along with others better?
  • How can I improve my marriage or others?
  • How can I help in the public more?
  • How can I be a more caring person for public?
There are obviously many other questions that the police officer who is an amiable will enjoy answering and be very proactive and responsive to.  What questions does a amiable police officer not like to hear?  ~ click here ~
What Seminary Probably Doesn't Teach Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions and helping others, is what brain science teaches us is that that often we as amiable literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel we care ... and that can lead to giving / doing more which can lead to us feeling that we are being taken advantage of.

The Amiable Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Amiable Police Officer Tend To Like?"

The Analytic Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Analytic Police Officer Tend To Like?"

Done In Good Order

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in our knowledge in scripture and other areas.
* Enjoy teaching others.
* Have strength in studying & know the Bible and memorization.
* Able to explain complex things in terms that others tend to understand and enjoy.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Choose the cube
   ~ Don't like things being done wrong

If you choose the cube and/or you chose that you don't like when things aren't done properly in order you likely are the analytic personality.  

Questions the Analytic Police Officer Tends To Like

  • How do I know my sins are forgiven as an Police Officer?
  • How do I know the Bible is true as an Police Officer?
  • How do I have a better relationship with God as an Police Officer?
  • How can I improve my discipline as an Police Officer?
  • How can I become better in memorization as an Police Officer?
There are obviously many other questions that the Police Officer who is an analytic will enjoy answering and be very proactive and responsive to.  What questions does a amiable Police Officer not like to hear?  ~ click here ~
What Seminary Probably Doesn't Teach Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions is what brain science teaches us is that that often we as analytics literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel smart ... and that can lead to pride and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

The Expressive Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Expressive Police Officer Tend To Like?"

Done With Energy

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in worship.
* Enjoy lifting others up.
* Have strengths in being outgoing and creating excitement with others
* Able to motivate and inspire others to have faith.

Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Choose the wavy line
   ~ Don't like things which are boring or not fun

If you choose the wavy line and/or you chose that you don't like when things are boring or not fun then you are likely the the expressive personality.  

Questions the Analytic Police Officer Tends To Like

  • Why do we as Police Officers read emails that are only one paragraph long?
  • Why do we as Police Officers read emails and not reply?
  • Why are, we as Police Officers fearful, of email communications and putting their thoughts in writing?
  • Why do we as Police Officers struggle seeing what they see in others in really is really reflection of self?
  • Why do we as Police Officers struggle with having deep conversations?  
  • Why would a Police Officer kick someone out of church for asking hard questions?
What Seminary Probably Doesn't Teach Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions is what brain science teaches us is that that often we as analytics literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel smart ... and that can lead to pride and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

The Driver Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Driver Police Officer Tend To Like?"

Very Driven!

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be very strong in doing what others aren't willing or able to do.  Do the impossible.
* Willing to confront things which are wrong.
* Great at seeing a very large vision.
* Strong in taking risks.
* Very direct / honest with people. 
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast
What Seminary Probably Doesn't Teach Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions is what brain science teaches us is that that often we as driver personalities literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good when we ask the hard questions?  Or maybe worse, we pick up the fear of fellow Police Officers and decide not to ask the hard questions at all?
If you are a Police Officer and you're thinking that "No Police Officer in the world would ever ask the questions to the right ... well ... sadly you may be right?"  This is one reason there is so much sexual abuse in the church that gets covered up.  If you think you know a pastor who is willing to ask the hard questions call 888.230.2300 and let's talk.  They are a rear Police Officer who has the courage to ask the hard questions.
   > Here are some specific hard questions ~ click here
   > What about a whole denomination? ~ click here

Choose the pyramid 
   ~ Don't like when things are out of control

If you choose the pyramid and/or you chose that you don't like when things are out of control then you are likely the driver personality.  

Questions the Driver Police Officer Tends To Like

  • Why are we as Police Officers so mazing and seem to have a special calling from God?
  • Why do, we as Police Officers , see that others take advantage of us, but fail to see how we take advantage of others? 
  • Why do we as Police Officers struggle with follow through i.e. integrity, fail to see it and then are self-righteous when others call them out?
  • Why do we as Police Officers "go silent / dark" when asked the hard questions? 
  • Why do we as Police Officers have so many fears and so much pride we won't be honest and share those fears with others?
  • Why do we as Police Officers struggle with being honest with people and think not telling people the truth is caring / loving?
  • How do we as Police Officers , live with ourselves when we talk about faith, encourage others to have faith and then we struggle with seemingly have to know all the details rather than letting people around us roll with things and/or trust God?
  • Why do we as Police Officers , use man made thinking / rules and justify "Law Consideration" when it's really gossip about others?
  • Why do we as Police Officers, lack self-awareness?
  • Why do we as Police Officers , think we are humble, when in fact, we are really self-righteous?
  • Why do we as Police Officers, struggle with being Entitled, Self-Righteous and Victims and seem to often have no self-awareness of this?
  • We would a Police Officers say being a prickly personality is sinful ... and somehow miss that Jesus, Paul and John the Baptist had very prickly personalities? 

What Benefit Would I Gain?  How Does It Work?

Life GPS mobile web app is a powerful resource which Police Officers, those in leadership can benefit from.  It's free to join, only takes 17 minutes to do the assessment and a minute to register.  

The amiable personality will love how the mobile app helps them to reduce their stress, the conflict in their lives and ministry, not allow others to take advantage of them, and is a powerful tool to deal with difficult personalities in their churches.  

Life GPS will help the leadership and support teams to better understand one another and dwell in wisdom, grace and forgiveness.  It will help a Police Officer in their ministry, marriage, with friends, family and every interaction they have throughout the community.

This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

Quantum Feeling Model

Are feelings important?   Of course they are ... but, maybe not the way we think they are.  Think about it ... when we have physical pain, what do we learn from that physical pain?   We learn that there is something that is not right with us.  Physical pain doesn't reveal that something is wrong with others, it represents that something is wrong with us.  

If feelings and emotions are similar to physical, in the mental world, then our feelings don't reveal things about others, but feelings reveal something that is wrong or maybe "off" with us.

Do we as people fall into entitlement?   Do we think being a Police Officer was going to be easy?  Do we think that we're nice to everyone else so others should be nice to us?  

Do we think that God wants people to be treated a certain way ... (Amiable) and you know, that way is the way that we think people should be treated.  

Audio  Podcast
Video Podcast

Hmmm ... that would be self-righteousness.  Do we find parts of the Bible to support our perspective and in doing so, and in doing so reveal that our hearts are the same as those we tend to think we see in others?  Do we slip into being self-righteous ... where we feel, and don't even realize that we're feeling entitlement and self-righteousness which often quickly leads to being a victim.   

What are the results of these three feelings?  Depression, anger and bitterness.  

What are the vaccines to each of the three of these?

Entitlement ~ Thankfulness ... When we are thankful we it helps us to see all the amazing blessings that we have and don't become self-centered / consumed and will prevent us from moving into Self-Righteousness.

Self-Righteousness ~ Humility ... Saying we are humble doesn't make us humble.  In being Police Officer, it seems we have more challenges than the average person in keeping humble.  Just being honest and transparent ... we get up on Sunday's and often preach what people like to hear and they come up and tell us how amazing we are and how the service touched their lives.  A lot of people feel good about what we do and we feel good ... feelings so many feelings and that often leads to being self-righteous when someone questions us or asks us a hard question.  

Victim ~ Ownership ... How many times as Police Officers do we struggle with taking personal ownership and feel that others have hurt us, been unfair to us and never even ask what we did to hurt them?  We often, as Police Officers, surround ourselves with people, who will tell us what we want to here and tell ourside of the story and poison / destory those around us who dare to question or challenge us.