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A podcast about Voices Of Integrity for Passions - How Do We Keep Our Passions

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How Do We Keep Our Passions?

" So ... what if I don't even know what my passions are? "



That's OK. In this podcast, we'll help you learn how to discover your passion circle, which will help you discover your life vision if you're interested in knowing that.
Did you know that passions are similar to love, where they're not finite or limited but infinite? The more we learn to allow our passions to grow and expand, the more passion we will have in life.
The more passions we have, the bigger our life vision will be, and the more we'll take our hurt and pain and turn it into positive energy, which will change the world around us.
Audio Podcast
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Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Ball and/or Conflict with Others, you likely will be the amiable personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your concern and compassion for people ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your concern and compassion for people. See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.
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