Voices of Integrity

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A podcast about Voices Of Integrity for Mental Health

1-1: About The Group / Podcast

" What Is This Group / Podcast About? How Can We Join The Podcast? 
Which Type Of People Will Gain The Most Value From This Podcast?"

What Is This Group / Podcast About?

This podcast is all about exploring ways to boost your mental well-being. We dive into practical tips and strategies to help you navigate life's challenges and emerge stronger. Join us as we uncover the secrets to understanding your mind, managing stress, and finding greater happiness in your everyday life.

How Can We Join The LIVE Podcast? 

To join the podcast, simply click the provided Zoom link every Sunday at 9:30 AM Eastern Time. The discussion centers around improving health and handling challenges.   Go to www.RavingFan.net to join live Zoom.

Do You Have A Question / Problem?

Have You Benefited From These Podcasts?

People We Are Looking For?

This podcast is designed for individuals looking to enhance their mental well-being and overall happiness. If you're facing challenges or simply seeking greater fulfillment in life, you're in the right place. We provide practical tips and insights to help you navigate difficult emotions and improve your mental resilience. Join us for friendly discussions and actionable advice on enhancing your joy and satisfaction. Whether you're struggling with communication or simply aiming for greater happiness, we're here to support you on your journey towards a healthier mind and a happier life. Tune in and let's work together to strengthen your mental well-being.


"The Back Story"

Healing vs. Helping

What's The Difference

This podcast topic / series is unlike anything you have ever experienced in your life.  Likely the mental health professionals will not like what is being shared, but you know ... it's not about them, it's about you who are suffering and needing healing a lot more than being helped.

 ~ Click here ~ to share the challenges and discover ways to encourage each other through the journey of mental health.

This is not a cynical statement, it's just fact.  Think about it!  There is a lot more money to be made in helping people vs. people being healed.
Audio Podcast - In Development
Do you know a mentally depressed person who has been there and can be an encouragement to others who are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call or text 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Imagine ...

What if ... we were thinking about mental health in all the wrong ways?   Imagine, being able to quickly not only heal but turn the hurt, the trauma into something powerful and life changing for us and those around us.

Video Podcast

Introduction To Life GPS

Life GPS web mobile app is created to help people to heal not just to help them.  Take 17 seconds to have your personality assessed and then you make the determination if and how Podcasts for Mental Health can help you and others around you to heal and turn the hurt, the pain, the trauma into something that will not only empower you to be the person you were created to be, but will help you change he world.  

If you know someone who has an amazing story of healing to be shared and/or someone who really does want healing have them call or text 630.393.9909 to be a possible guest on this podcast and/or be a case study.  

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

1-2: I Need Encouragement

"Learning how to be encouraged."


I feel discouraged!

Are you someone navigating mental health challenges or supporting someone who is? This podcast offers assistance to individuals facing stress and pressure, providing insights into common issues and solutions.

 ~ Click here ~ to share the challenges and discover ways to encourage each other through the journey of mental health.

How can we be an encouragement to ourselves and others?
Audio Podcast
Do you know a mentally depressed person who has been there and can be an encouragement to others who are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

~ The Amiable Personality ~ 
Conflict With Others

Imagine experiencing the mental well-being of your dreams! Envision discovering ways to cultivate greater harmony, love, and passion in your mental health journey. Are you familiar with someone who, despite being caring and loving, is taken advantage of by others in their mental health interactions?
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most?  A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball?   Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?  

If you chose the Ball and/or Conflict with Others, you likely will be the amiable personality.  What does that mean?  It may mean that one of your strengths might be your concern and compassion for people ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your concern and compassion for people.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied.  It's taking our strength too far.   As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

1-3: How Do I Solve My Problems?

"Do I really want to solve my mental health problems?  Are we sure?"


I feel lonely!

Do you know someone deeply knowledgeable about mental health, wise, and with a compassionate desire to help others? If they're willing to dedicate 30 minutes for a podcast, call 630.393.9909 and suggest them as a great guest.

 Have a problem you can't openly discuss or have shared without finding a solution? ~ Click here ~ to share your concerns in a supportive space.
Audio Podcast - In Development

~ The Analytic Personality ~ 
Pain: Out of Order

Envision your ideal mental well-being. What qualities would you want it to embody? Describe the dream state of mental health you aspire to achieve. Does it involve a sense of consistency, order, and a balanced level of excitement rather than overwhelming chaos?
Video Podcast - In Development


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most?  A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball?   Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?  

If you chose the Cube and/or Things Being Out Of Order, you may be the analytic personality.  What does that mean?  It may mean that one of your strengths might be you like to dot your i's and cross your t's and make sure things are done properly and in order ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... you like to dot your i's and cross your t's and make sure things are done properly and in order.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied.  It's taking our strength too far.   As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

1-4: How Do I Get People To Listen To Me?

"What if ... I have to talk less to get people to listen to me more?"


I feel lost.

Are you acquainted with individuals passionate about supporting others in their mental health journeys? If you know someone willing to dedicate 30 minutes for a podcast, call 630.393.9909 and recommend them as potential guests.

If you're grappling with a problem you can't openly discuss or have shared without finding a solution, ~ click here ~ to share your concerns in a supportive space.
Audio Podcast

The Expressive Personality  
Pain: Boring / Not Fun

Envision cultivating the passionate mental health state you've always dreamed of. What steps would it require from both you and those around you? Consider what actions and efforts you and your support system need to take to achieve that desired mental well-being.
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

1-5: How Do I Drive People Forward?

Podcast In Development


I feel misunderstood

Are you aware of individuals with resilience, passion, courage, creative thinking, and a compassionate drive to assist others in their mental health journeys? If you know someone willing to dedicate 30 minutes for a podcast, call 630.393.9909 and recommend them as potential guests.

If you're contending with a problem you find challenging to share or have shared without finding a solution, ~ click here ~ to share your concerns in a supportive space.

Audio Podcast - In Development

~ The Driver Personality ~ 
Pain:  Out Of Control

Envision experiencing the most energetically powerful mental health journey—one that empowers you to leverage your drive and passion, fostering personal growth and extending support to those around you.
Video Podcast ~ In Development


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Pyramid and/or Things Being Out Of Control, you may be the driver  personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your drive, assertiveness, you make things happen ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your drive, assertiveness, you make things happen.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

1-6: How Do I Change Myself?

How Do I Change Myself According To The Situation?


I feel misunderstood

Do you know a person who is listner, understanding, make sacrifices for one another, has a heart to help others and are willing to give 30 minute of their time to do a podcast? Call 630.393.9909 and share who you think would be a great guest.

Do you have a problem you feel you can't share for any reason and/or you have shared the problem with others and they don't seem to know the answer or their solutions don't work? ~ click here ~ to share.
Audio Podcast In Progress

~ The Chameleon Personality ~ 

Imagine ... having the craziest powerful mental health.  A business which will help you fully leverage all the drive and passion to help you and others around you be all you can be.  
Video Podcast In Progress


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Pyramid and/or Things Being Out Of Control, you may be the driver  personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your drive, assertiveness, you make things happen ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your drive, assertiveness, you make things happen.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

2-1: Why will Life GPS mobile web app help me?

Are you looking for answers / solutions?

What's your biggest challenge in any aspect of your mental health journey? If someone were to offer assistance, what specific support would you appreciate in navigating your mental well-being?
Individuals on their mental health journeys globally are discovering this free mobile web app, aiding them in better comprehending themselves and those in their support network. The app facilitates a harmonious flow, fostering unity of heart and mind, enabling them not only to navigate life together but also to aspire to the mental well-being they dream of. Beyond hope, it instills passion and excitement for realizing the dreams of optimal mental health.

Out Of Order

Are you drawn to the cube and/or do you not like when things aren't done properly and in order?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn to better connect with others you may be frustrated with.

"Ready, Aim ... check, check check."


Out Of Control

Are you drawn to the Pyramid and/or do you dislike when things are out of control?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to help others to learn to control their own lives so you don't have to clean up after others.

"Fire, Aim ... 'Are we ready?'"


Conflict With Others

Are you drawn to the Ball and/or do you dislike conflict with others?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how not to fear conflict.

"Are we all ready?  Are we sure?"


Boring / Not Fun

Are you drawn to the Wavy Line and/or do you dislike things which are boring or not fun?  Life GPS will help others to better understand you and you will learn how to have more fun in your life.

"We're ready!  Fire ... Aim?"

2-2: Ask Your Question Here...

Ask Your Question / Thought and/or Problem Here ... 

Would you like a volunteer to connect with you?

Share Your Experiences Here...

FB Comments Will Be Here (placeholder)

The Voices of Integrity Podcast caters to visionary individuals, covering a wide range of diverse subjects.

2-3: What You Will Experience On This Podcast:
How To LEVERAGE Talents
How do we LEVERAGE in a positive way, everyone in our lives for mutual benefit?

How To LEVERAGE Systems
How do we build the right systems to LEVERAGE our passions, our life vision and all other systems for success?
How To LEVERAGE Networks
Are you LEVERAGING your networks and the networks of those around you for everyone's mutual success?  
Voices Of Integrity . . . It is being designed and engineered to help you deeply understand "INTEGRITY".  

2-4: Personality Types & Mental Health

What if ... we have been thinking about mental health all wrong?  What if we were to see "mental disorders" as something that is actually a strength, which could become a weakness?  

The questions we ask, the questions we answer, how we answer the questions and what questions we tend to try to ignore tell us a great deal about ourselves and may reveal a great deal about how our mental health is currently and will be in the future.  

What if ... we have been thinking about mental health all wrong?  What if we were to see "mental disorders" as something that is actually a strength, which could become a weakness?  What if we could see the weaknesses before they become debilitating and could help help people see how their strengths, taken too far could become a "mental disorder?" 

The questions we ask, the questions we answer, how we answer the questions and what questions we tend to try to ignore tell us a great deal about ourselves and may reveal a great deal about how our mental health is currently and will be in the future.  

We all have been given our personalities ... "Our Bent" from  how we were created in the womb,  through how we were raised and our life experiences. 

The diagram to the right reveals what some of the common mental health issues are with each personality type.  

Hmmm ... this is interesting, isn't it?  Imagine ... learning about how we could identify our mental health challenge BEFORE they brought great harm to us and those around us.

We all have been given our personalities ... "Our Bent" from  how we were created in the womb,  through how we were raised and our life experiences. 

The diagram to the right reveals what some of the common mental health issues are with each personality type.  

Hmmm ... this is interesting, isn't it?  Imagine ... learning about how we could identify our mental health challenge BEFORE they brought great harm to us and those around us.

What if ... we're thinking about mental health in the wrong way?

What if how we think causes us pain, hurt and trauma ... actually gives us energy, power and passion?  

What if ... The Amiable actually enjoys conflict because it gives them a chance to be a peacemaker and the Analytic loves when things are done wrong, as it gives them a chance to be a hero?  What if the Expressive loves boring as it gives them a chance to show how exciting they are and the Driver loves when things get out of control because is gives them a chance to fix problems?  

Take a look at the above list and see which one's we may see in ourselves and what this self-awareness may mean to us, our spouse and those around us.

Think about it ... "Does it seem that with each possible weakness" mental health issue that there is an opposite strength that goes along with this weakness?"   If this was the case, what would this mean?  

Might it mean that our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength taken too far?  If this were the case, why would we take a strength and take it too far?   Is it possible that, we are given strengths ... we value those strengths for some period of time but then pride / ego seep in and we think we're the reason for the strength?  Is it possible that this happens without us even realizing it ... where it sneaks up on us ... and we get prideful / overconfident and then crash and burn?"

Is it possible that we are a poor stewards of what we have been give?   

The Amiable Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Amiable Not Like Asked?"

Peace & Harmony

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Care for people.
* Are nice to others.
* Love peace and seek to avoid conflicts.
* Enjoy being around people.
* Serving others.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the ball
   ~ Does not like conflict 

If you chose the ball and/or you chose that you don't like conflict then you likely are what we refer to as an Amiable.

Questions the Amiable Does Not Like To Hear

  • Why do you lack self-awareness?
  • Do you really think you are a caring person?
  • Do you realize you create more conflict by avoiding it?
  • Do you care that I feel that you care more about others than you do me, based on how nice you treat others, even when it hurts me / us?
We as amiable personalities tend to like questions which reveal how nice, kind and loving we are.  We tend to not like questions which challenge the way we think about ourselves.  
What No One Teaches Us ... 
As a spouse who is amiable, we tend to tell people what they like to hear, what feels good to people and that results in others telling us what we want to hear.  We don't treat our spouse like we treat others and that can build a lot of resentment in our spouses.  

What Benefit Would I Gain?  How Does It Work?

Life GPS mobile web app is a powerful resource for professionals who are seeking to help menally depressed people and/or for anyone who cares about them.  It's free to join, only takes 17 seconds to do the assessment and a minute to register.  

The amiable personality will love how the mobile app helps them to reduce their stress, the conflict in their lives and marriage, not allow others to take advantage of them, and is a powerful tool to deal with difficult personalities both personally and professionally.  

Life GPS fosters understanding and well-being, guiding interactions in mental health with wisdom, grace, and forgiveness in relationships with oneself, friends, family, and co-workers.

This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

The Analytic Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Analytic Personality Tend To Like Have Asked?"

Done In Good Order

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in our knowledge to relationships.
* Enjoy teaching others.
* Have strength in studying & learning things.
* Enjoy explaining things to others.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the cube
   ~ Don't like things being done wrong.

If you chose the cube and/or you chose that you don't like when things aren't done properly or in order you likely are the analytic personality.  

Questions the Analytic Does Not Like To Hear

  • How much of the knowledge you have actually helps us?
  • How can someone know so much and understand so little?
  • Do you understand how self righteous you are and how much better you think you are than others around you?
  • Why is your ego so very big and how in the world can you not see that? 
We as analytic personalities tend to like questions which reveal how smart and intelligent we are.  We tend to not like questions which challenge the way we think about ourselves. 
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as analytics literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel smart ... and that can lead to pride and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

What Benefit Would I Gain?  How Does It Work?

Life GPS mobile web app is a powerful resource for professionals who are seeking to help mentally depressed people and/or for anyone who cares about them.  It's free to join, only takes 17 seconds to do the assessment and a minute to register.

The analytic personality will love how the mobile app because it will help them to reduce their feelings of negative guilt, negative stress, negative anxiety and depression, sense of helpless in their lives and marriage. It is a powerful tool to deal with difficult personalities both personally and professionally.

Life GPS fosters understanding and well-being, guiding interactions in mental health with wisdom, grace, and forgiveness in relationships with oneself, friends, family, and co-workers.

This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

The Expressive Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Expressive Personality Tend Not To Like?"

Done With Energy

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be strong in energy and passion.
* Enjoy seeing others feel and join in success. 
* Have strengths in being outgoing and creating excitement with others
* Able to motivate and inspire others to do things that people never thought possible.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the wavy line
   ~ Don't like things which are boring or not fun

If you chose the wavy line and/or you chose that you don't like when things are boring or not fun then you are likely the the expressive personality.  

Questions the Expressive Tends Not To Like

  • Why do you think you have such low self esteem, self image that you have to always be the center of attention?
  • Why do you have to make a joke out of everything?
  • Why does everything have to be fun and why do I get stuck doing all the things you don't enjoy doing? 
  • Why aren't you able to feel anyone else's pain / feelings / energy than your own?
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as expressive literally get a dopamine hit in our brain which makes us feel good because we feel funny, important, the center of attention ... and that can lead to narcissism and the other mental health issues that we often have build up over the years.  

What Benefit Would I Gain?  How Does It Work?

Life GPS mobile web app is a powerful resource for professionals who are seeking to help mentally despressed people and/or for anyone who cares about them.  It's free to join, only takes 17 seconds to do the assessment and a minute to register.

The expressive personality will love how the mobile app helps them to feel more excitement in their marriages and life in general.   It will help the expressive to learn how to have empathy for others in such a way that the expressive will get more from life / others as they are giving to others what others want, rather than what the expressive things others want.  

We as expressive personalities can, at times, be not so self aware and that hurts us in so many ways.  It is a powerful tool to deal with difficult personalities both personally and professionally.

Life GPS fosters understanding and well-being, guiding interactions in mental health with wisdom, grace, and forgiveness in relationships with oneself, friends, family, and co-workers.

This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

The Driver Personality Type

"What Questions Does The Driver Personality Tend Not To Like?"

Very Driven!

Strength & Weakness

We Tend To ... 
* Be very strong in doing what others aren't willing or able to do.  Do the impossible.
* Willing to confront things which are wrong.
* Great at seeing a very large vision.
* Strong in taking risks.
* Very direct / honest with people. 
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast

Chose the pyramid 
   ~ Don't like when things are out of control

If you chose the pyramid and/or you chose that you don't like when things are out of control then you are likely the driver personality.  

Questions the Driver Tends Not To Like

  • How can you be so clear on your goals and you seem to be unable to even see the goals that I want in life?
  • Why are you always so mean to everyone ... and you don't even seem to care? 
  • Why do you think people are so stupid?
  • Why can't you just be nice to people?
  • Why do you always have to be doing something / accomplishing something?  
Actually ... the sad truth may be that the driver personality may not mind these questions as they get them from a lot of people in their lives and kind of build up a tolerance.  This could be good or bad, it just depends.  
What No One Teaches Us ... 
While there isn't anything wrong with these questions, what brain science teaches us is that often we as the driver personality, get a dopamine hit in our brain when things get out of control and we become a superhero ... which is not always bad but can be bad at times.  Does it cause mental health issues in us or maybe it creates mental health issues, that often build up over the years, in others? 

What Benefit Would I Gain?  How Does It Work?

Life GPS mobile web app is a powerful resource for professionals who are seeking to help mentally depressed people and/or for anyone who cares about them. It's free to join, only takes 17 seconds to do the assessment and a minute to register.

The driver personality will love how the mobile app helps them to understand others and assists them to better achieve their life goals and full potential.  It will help the driver to learn how to have communicate in a way that people will understand how deeply they care and desire to help others.

We as driver personalities can, at times, push people too hard and too fast ... at least that's what others think.  The driver personality often feels they need to push others as others aren't pushing themselves.   

Life GPS fosters understanding and well-being, guiding interactions in mental health with wisdom, grace, and forgiveness in relationships with oneself, friends, family, and co-workers.

This Podcast will encourage you and help you heal!!!

Quantum Feeling Model

Are feelings important?   Of course they are ... but, maybe not the way we think they are.  Think about it ... when we have physical pain, what do we learn from that physical pain?   We learn that there is something that is not right with us.  Physical pain doesn't reveal that something is wrong with others, it represents that something is wrong with us.  

If feelings and emotions are similar to physical, in the mental world, then our feelings don't reveal things about others, but feelings reveal something that is wrong or maybe "off" with us.

Are we seduced by entitlement?   Did we think life was going to be easy?  Do we think that we're nice to everyone else so others should be nice to us?  

Do we think people should be treated a certain way ... (Amiable) and you know, that way is the way that we think people should be treated?  The way we think others should be treated?  Which when you think about it that way, our entitlement falls into self-righteousness where we think we're smarter, better, more caring or loving than others.

If this doesn't get what we want, then we seem to fall into being a victim.   When we think about it ... we as adults, it seems, often are no different than small children.  

Video Podcast
Audio Podcast

Hmmm ... that would be self-righteousness.  Do we seek evidence, everywhere to support our perspective and in doing so, reveal that our hearts are the same as those we tend to think we see in others?  Do we slip into being self-righteous ... where we feel, and don't even realize that we're feeling entitlement and self-righteousness which often quickly leads to being a victim?   

What are the results of these three feelings?  Depression, anger and bitterness.  

What are the vaccines to each of the three of these?

Entitlement ~ Thankfulness ... When we are thankful it helps us to see all the amazing blessings that we have.  We don't become self-centered or consumed and thankfulness will prevent us from moving into Self-Righteousness.

Self-Righteousness ~ Humility ... Saying we are humble doesn't make us humble.  Often ... those we think are the most humble who act humble, may be the most self-righteous and those who seem like the are the most arrogant might be, the most humble.  A lot of people feel good about what we do and we feel good ... feeling so many feelings and that often leads to being self-righteous when someone questions us or asks us a hard question.  

Victim ~ Ownership ... How many times, do we struggle with taking personal ownership and feel that others have hurt us, been unfair to us and never even ask what they did to hurt us?  We often surround ourselves with people, who will tell us what we want to hear and tell our side of the story and poison or destroy those around us who dare to question or challenge us.  

How Various Personalities Are Vulnerable

Analytic ~ Cube & "Out Of Order"

Vulnerable to being OCD, fixated on the smallest details and miss the big picture.  Can be defensive, have challenges in taking ownership and often struggles with ego & self-righteousness.

Driver ~ Pyramid & "Out Of Control"

Vulnerable to being perceived as being abusive, controlling and overly aggressive.  Can overreact to their perception of things being out of control and often do not realize how powerful they can come across to others.  Often these personalities are the most vulnerable but seem like they are the least vulnerable.  

Expressive ~ Wavy Line & "Boring and/or Not Fun"

Vulnerable to being a bit crazy, doing risky things, coming across as flippant, dismissive and cocky.  Vulnerable to making rash decisions, making mistakes due to not having all the details.

Amiable ~ Ball & "Conflict With Others"

Vulnerable to being taken advantage of and taking advantage of others and not realizing it.  Due to fear of conflict they can make things far worse because they do not address things quickly.  So focused on people that often tasks don't get done and/or allowing people to take advantage of use and those around us.

How Do We Change At A Heart Level?

How do we know we truly understand?  We DO ... We Change!

Internalization ~ The deep feeling or sense, the embedding of something directly into our very DNA.  
We aim to collaborate in accelerating the process of internalizing concepts for quicker clarity in achieving the mental well-being we desire. Faster INTERNALIZATION leads to accelerated success, prompting us to reshape our thinking and take prompt action in our mental health journey.
In our mental health journey, we often say "I understand" while not truly grasping it. What's often overlooked is the Natural Law of The NEXT Dimension Principle, revealing that our current understanding is just one perspective. Embracing humility or curiosity allows us to bridge the dimensional gap that may be sensed or felt by one person in the mental health journey while the other remains unaware.
If we're individuals who speak extensively about our mental health struggles, using many words and appearing to put in great effort, we may be talkers rather than doers, potentially causing strain on our mental well-being. This type often wears down those around them, creating the illusion of significant effort while actual change might be minimal. In the aftermath, they may seek sympathy, portraying themselves as victims, maintaining a self-righteous demeanor, and using elaborate words to convey humility, perhaps without true internalization. The challenge lies in recognizing entitlement and the tendency to deflect blame with eloquent words rather than fostering genuine change.
Another valuable read is "Stop Walking on Eggshells," shedding light on understanding Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) within the realm of mental health. Intriguingly, the individual with BPD often avoids reading the book, almost as if grappling with imposter syndrome. In their minds, this avoidance is justified, and they may even gather data to support their stance. Meanwhile, the spouse dealing with the effects of BPD continues to endure, questioning their own mental well-being. The person with BPD becomes adept at utilizing the 9 D's to distract others from acknowledging the core issues.   ~ click here

Q&A ~ Questions & Answers

These are questions which we will be addressing in future podcasts.  To add your own question(s) which you do not see covered ~ click here ~
1. How did you navigate a mental health crisis that felt almost overwhelming?
2. How often do you intentionally review and manage your mental health goals?
3. Do you consistently agree on how to prioritize resources for self-care?
4. How do you handle disagreements and conflicts within your mental health journey?
5. What's your typical timeline for resolving mental health challenges?
6. Do discussions about mental health conflicts remain calm or sometimes escalate?
7. What strategies keep you self-motivated and focused on your mental health?
8. Reflecting on your mental health journey, what was the longest time to resolve a significant issue?
Questions On Children
1. Balancing home duties with kids while focusing on mental health at home?
2. Handling conflicts when parenting affects mental health?
3. Disagreements in front of kids during your mental health journey?
4. Ensuring agreement on disciplining in the context of mental health?
5. Maintaining consistency in guiding children during mental health efforts?

Specific Topics

Death Of Relationship

"Importance of A Relationship"



How do I heal from the death of a relationship? It could be a breakup, a divorce, the end of a relationship where the relationship ends but the person is still alive. 
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

Childhood Trauma

"Mental Health for Trauma In Childhood"


Effects of childhood trauma?

Childhood trauma profoundly impacts mental health, triggering conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD, shaping emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships. Timely therapeutic interventions are vital for mitigating these long-term effects. 

Listening to our podcast offers valuable insights, evidence-based approaches, and a supportive community, empowering listeners to navigate the complexities of mental health after childhood trauma.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

Next Dimensional

"Next Dimensional - Blackout"


Why Do People Black Out?

Exploring the Next Dimensional may trigger intense emotional responses, potentially causing mental health-related blackouts. Understanding this phenomenon necessitates insights into the mind's intricate reactions. 

Listening to our podcast on this subject not only provides expert perspectives and coping strategies but also offers a pathway to comprehend and address the specific challenges tied to mental health-related blackouts in the Next Dimensional.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

Childhood Sexual Abuse Pt 1

"Mental Health & Childhood Sexual Abuse - Part 1"


Childhood Sexual Abuse - Part 1

It's heartbreaking to hear of a girl who was sexually abused by her father starting at the age of 12 years old. What's even more heartbreaking is when the mother of the girl, not only doesn't do anything about it, but actually supports the abuser and lies about the girl who was abused.  
Step 1: Publically call out the abuser and those who have / are protecting and make it public.

Step 2: Expand the reach of publicity ~ Whether law, judicial and/or media can't or just won't publicize 
Audio Podcast

Notes :

  • 1. Let's face it. Many if not most of those sexually abusing young girls and boys are white males over 50 years old in authority. Fathers, grandfathers, pastors, teachers ... those in leadership.
  • 2. The Christian white male over 50 years old, in authority, and those women / men who protect, seems to fear only one thing. It's the threat of exposure.
  • 3. As we'll learn in this podcast, the wife and daughters (the women) of these predators often step in and protect these men.  
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.


How do we know if we have true healing from trauma?


Can we heal instantly? 

A few people think you can .... and will actually say that's the easy part.  The hard part seems to be staying healed, it seems.  Mark and Tim have kind of a crazy conversation that ... well ... let's say covers a lot.  What are your thoughts?
Take a look to the right and then ... thinking about it.  Mediate on it.  Journal on it.  Have you joined the Life GPS group for Mental Health?   ~ click here for additional information ~  It's FREE!  :-)  
Once you JOIN, a MENTOR will be selected for you.  She / He will help you get the most out of this group.  Over time, as you heal, you'll be given two BUDDIES and you will help both of them as you you have been helped by your mentor.

What's strange ... is that you'll actually gain more benefit, learn more and heal more from your two BUDDIES that you do your MENTOR ... which your mentor will love!  
Audio Podcast

Maybe ... look at it like this?

Notes :

  • 1. Take OWNERSHIP for what we can take ownership of.  Maybe it's 1% to 99% as  to why we have been hurt.  If there is 0% responsibility for what happened to us ... that's alright, but for sure if it's 0% as to what happened to us it's 100% as to what we do with what happened?  It's our choice as to what we do with pain / trauma.  When we take ownership of our feelings, through amazing thoughts, we gain the ability to not only become free from the trauma but to allow the trauma to empower us to become who we were actually created to be.   Choosing to take OWNERSHIP, gives us back control and prevents us from being a VICTIM.  
  • 2. Be THANKFUL for what you know, sense, hear, see and feel as to what good will come from the pain.  When we tell our brains that we're thankful, even if we may not feel thankful, we can choose to BE thankful.  Choosing to be THANKFUL helps us not to become ENTITLED.
  • 3. Be HUMBLE and realize that whoever did, whatever they did which hurt us ... as a story as well.  We don't know their full story.  Shoot, they don't even know their full story which goes back to their very conception which seems to connect directly back four generations.   Choosing to be HUMBLE helps us to not become SELF-RIGHTEOUS.  
  • BOTTOM LINE ... is that it's all about choices that we make.  The Quantum Feeling model ~ click here ~ helps us to have the KNOWLEDGE to heal quickly but to actually heal quickly it's up to use and the choices we make RIGHT NOW and each and every day, going into the future.  
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.


Learn To Think Differently

Watch the video and then think about what was shared AND how you can best apply it to all aspects of your life.  

Good or Bad?

Most people think of addictions as being bad, but did you know that used properly our addictive tendencies will help us to achieve greater success, and LEVERAGED properly they will help us to achieve our Life Vision?
Our Feelings ~ neurotransmitters ~ anger, agitated, frustrated, happy, sad, pleasure . . . reward
Feelings ~ sleep
Natural pain reliever
Anti anxiety ~ Prevents us from going into a panic attack
Adrenaline ~ Fight, Flight, or Freeze in Fear
PIP ~ Phosphoinositide
Care, love, compassion
Our Feelings ~ neurotransmitters ~ anger, agitated, frustrated, happy, sad, pleasure . . . reward

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
Feelings ~ sleep

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
Natural pain reliever

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
PIP ~ Phosphoinositide
Care, love, compassion

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
Adrenaline ~ Fight, Flight, or Freeze in Fear

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
GABA regulates communication between brain cells.  What causes panic for each of the different personality types will vary.  If we are "over protected" as children and have an "easy" life we don't develop the GABA levels needed in our younger years to where when we have more traumatic events in our lives later on, we aren't able to have the skills or the required chemicals in our brain to address even common things which happen in our lives.  

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 
  • BIG ... - "Hmmm ... I'm curious ... so the more panic attacks that people have, the more money and dependence that people, the masses will have on BIG pharmaceutical, BIG psychology, BIG medical, BIG media, BIG government, BIG education and yes even BIG religion will have ... AND ... it's not about the money?  Hmmm ... and it's never about the money and dependence and/or creating validation of those in BIG that they are smart, busy and important and worth all the money they get paid?
  • Healing vs. Helping - "Do those in the above industries want to create healing or just help people?  I mean, all those people, except of course those in business ... are never about the money or needing the validation?"  
Glutamate is an important transmitter present in over 90% of all brain synapses and send signals to other cells in the central nervous system.  It is one of the most abundant chemical messengers in the brain and plays a role in many vital brain functions, such as learning and memory.  Glutamate is like a dam-like structures, which release a trickle of the substance only when and where it is needed. But burst a dam—as happens in stroke, head trauma and the treacherous messenger floods the brain.

Curious Questions?

Often "experts" / those in authority do not like us to ask questions where the answers ... well ... could reveal things that those in "charge" / "the experts" do not like asked. 

Caring At Different Levels

" How can caring at different levels lead to breakthroughs in life? "



1. Reflect on breakthroughs: Pray and act for      success.
2. Explore caring levels: From self to valuing        others.
3. Challenge perspectives: Care in                          occupations, beyond level three.
4. Look forward: Next podcast on pure                connections through passions.
5. Highlight power: Stories of influence,              especially with loved ones.
6. Encourage sharing: For collective impact.        Sign off with a call to action.

Listen to this podcast for more information!
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.

The Healing Power Of Empathy

" Have you been hurt at a heart level? How can we heal at a heart level? Is it about being heard? "



Do we TALK empathy or do we FEEL empathy? Tim and Mark talk about this article that Rosanna shared plus a lot more.
Do we want to be healed at a heart level?

Here is a most interesting three step process ~ click here ~ to help us get moving in the right direction. When we go through this, we might surprise ourselves on what we discover about ourselves and those around us. Tim also references where it can be easy to get caught in the Quantum Feeling trap and how we can think we deserve to feel a certain way without doing the hard work ... and that can cause us to be a spectator in our own life. ~ click here ~ for an amazing and funny video.
Audio Podcast
Video Podcast


Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you chose the Wavy Line and/or Things Being Boring / Not Fun, you may be the expressive personality. What does that mean? It may mean that one of your strengths might be your energy, excitement and enthusiasm ... and maybe a weakness you may have is ... well ... your energy, excitement and enthusiasm.  See ... our greatest strength, is often our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied. It's taking our strength too far. As we learn more about ourselves ... we better understand others as well.

Join the Life GPS web mobile app to learn more.